๐Ÿ’กKey Features

What are we trying to do?

SolidityScan aims to provide security audits with just a click of a button, helping developers, organizations, and security teams to discover security vulnerabilities and publish reports once they have been fixed.

SolidityScan Features:

  • Do a Quickscan for a Contract deployed on Chain Perform a Quickscan for a particular deployed contract whose codes are published on the supported explorers.

  • Scan a Project Scan your public and private repositories hosted on Github.

  • Scan a Contract deployed on Chain Initiate scans on contracts deployed both on Testnets and Mainnets. SolidityScan currently supports Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom.

  • Upload and Scan a .sol File Upload your Solidity Files (.sol, .Sol) and scan them.

  • Generate and Publish Reports Generate your scan reports to get a detailed view of the vulnerabilities found in your source code. With your issues fixed, publish your report and share it over the public link with your stakeholders.

  • Integrations Integrate SolidityScan with your GitHub repository to conduct scans on your private repos.

  • SolidityScan SDK

  • SolidityScan Visual Studio Code Extension

  • SolidityScan Remix Plugin

Key Features

  1. Automated Smart Contract Audits: SolidityScan quickly identifies vulnerabilities in Solidity smart contracts, streamlining the audit process for developers.

  2. QuickScan & ThreatScan: Two modesโ€”QuickScan for fast security assessments and ThreatScan for in-depth analysis.

  3. Comprehensive API: A robust API allows seamless integration with development workflows.

  4. Detailed Security Reports: Generate reports highlighting potential risks and remediation steps.

  5. WebSocket Integration: Real-time monitoring and alerting for smart contract activity.

  6. Cross-Platform Support: Supports Ethereum-based and other blockchain platforms.

Last updated